Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sweet Weather in SoCal

OK, so I didn't make it very far the last time I started blogging. This time I will be better - promise! That's cause I'm writing my sister Sarah every week while she's on her mission in New Zealand so I'm giving her the rundown of our weekly life anyway. It's always a little crazy, but it's never boring around here! So check in when you want and I'll try to keep the blog up-to-date this time.

The kids had lots of fun last weekend at the Lambs' house in Southern California. Melanie's baptism was nice and the weather was perfect - in the 70s. We hardly even left the compound. The Lambs are halfway through their remodel and it is turning out really nice. We had a rousing game of Apples to Apples with Erika and Caitlyn before they headed back off to Provo.

We are home this weekend and trying to get stuff together for our biannual bulky items pickup, which means we have to juggle kids and try and get our junk together but it feels so good when the garbage goes out! The weather has been great, although it's been a little windy some days, but I know we have nothing to complain about compared to those of you fed up with snow in Utah. We do pay the big bucks to live here, though!


Tamra said...

Welcome back to the dark side of blogging. It will be so fun to check out you and your family online. I love bulk waste clean up, I can't wait for spring. I am getting terribly tired of snow and ice and now Mark has an ice phobia-so spring and spring yard cleaning will be nice! I love the pictures of your kids.

grandmao said...

I love the pics of the kids. Hey, I even had to set up an account to leave a comment. I doubt however I'll ever do anything with it though, being how you know how much I like to write, but I enjoy reading your bolg.