Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baby at the wheel!

Henry is happiest when waiting for the kids in the car while they play sports or Oliver is at piano, etc. He has spent so much time at the wheel that he has chewed on it and I had to get a wheel cover because it started falling apart.

Isn't being a third child tragic? These are some of the looks I get from Henry when I put him in his seat. He hates the carseat but he is generally good natured, so that means he fights it until he is in and then he is resigned to his fate. It helps when the kids are in the car to entertain him. I'm hoping when we get to turn his seat around in a few short weeks (because he will be a year!) that will help. He's got such a cute guppy face. I sometimes get told he looks like a Cabbage Patch baby because of the cheeks but my favorite is when they tell me he's a Precious Moments baby. I wish I had the time to take more pictures to capture the moments because he really is cute (although this is a few months ago and he's gotten so much more blonde).

Monday, May 12, 2008

How it went

So Oliver read Duck for President at Reading in the Park. As he was getting ready, he couldn't decide whether to wear his old falling-apart Heelies or his new Skechers shoes, so he asked me, "Think I should wear one of each?" I told him no, but I didn't realize until I saw the picture that he had actually done it. That's Oliver for ya!

Erik and I snuck out of the Booster Club event for an hour and left the kids at a friends' house to go out to Salang Pass. It's our favorite Afghan restaurant in Fremont and we hadn't been for a year (Ashley, I thought of you!). If you come visit, we'll take you there! I had to cancel our reservations at La Fondue in Los Gatos, but we'll make it there someday ...

It was a crazy week - as usual I guess but slightly crazier. We had two friends staying with us while their parents were out of town, added to the usual baseball chaos and other random events. Rob Duzett was in town for 24 hours, so we dragged the entire crew to have ice cream with him in San Jose. It was fun to see him for a few minutes. Lael said, "I like that uncle!" Thanks for the treat (and for being such a good sport)!

Other recent insanity includes me going to National Scrapbook Day with friends while Erik took our kids and two nonmember friends to a Primary friends activity and then to a baseball game on Saturday. That night we tried to go to San Francisco to see the KFOG Kaboom fireworks but BART was closed (Weird! I guess it was some kind of electrical problem.), so we drove up and then decided to try to see the fireworks from Treasure Island. This has worked for us before, although parking is always stressful because we're never the only ones with this idea. But I won't be trying it again because the fireworks were too far away and we did not have a good view from the places we could park on the island. Anyway, sorry Oscar and Caroline - we'll plan better next year! I've also sold more furniture on Craigslist and if I can just sell the PS2 and games, I'll have the trampoline paid for. Maybe next month ... Now if I could only get to the long-overdue laundry so we didn't have to dig through a mountain of clean clothes for socks every morning ...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Happy 11th Anniversary

It's been

Hi Erik,

I'm sorry I didn't have time or energy to come up with a present this year, but I love you! I am still glad I married you! Thank you for hanging in there with me through the constant craziness that is our life. I've been thinking of all the things we've been able to do together:

Spend Thanksgiving in Hawaii
Experience July Fourth at Mt. Rushmore
Party hard at Spring Break in Las Vegas
Shop the Christmas markets in Prague
Hang out at the Winter Olympics
Visit Yosemite in Winter
Cruise to Mexico

and I thought, what should we do next? Let's do it all again! Love you!


Thursday, May 01, 2008

The big game

Of course there are a million things I should be doing right now besides blogging, but I have taken pity on you, dear loyal readers, and I am giving you an update. If you ever see lots of posts from me, I guess that means I am finally caught up with life, so don't hold your breath. We went to an A's game with some friends last week and it was a lot of fun. We wanted the kids to have a clue what game it was they were trying to play. Erik bought Oliver a flag and when he was waving it, we got put up on the jumbotron. We just bought the seats when we got there (for $10) each so we were in the outfield in the Plaza Reserved section with literally no one around us so it was ironic that that was the day we got up on the monitor, but it was fun. The A's won - yay! Personally, I'm hoping the move to Fremont goes through. Anyway, my favorite moment of the game was when Lael asked me, "Who do you think is going to get the game ball?" The Angels and Rockies coaches give out the game ball to whoever they feel did the best job each game and Lael and Oliver have both been coveting the game ball all season. They both finally were the ones to get their game balls this week. Yay! I was afraid Lael's coach would let her disdain for me get in the way of giving Lael the ball but Lael worked hard for it and got it Saturday. Oliver has had a hard time hitting the ball lately. The last couple games the only time he's made it on base is when he's taken one for the team and gotten hit with the ball by the kid pitcher. Kid pitch is rough at this age and I wish they wouldn't do it. Anyway, he got on first base this last game and got the game ball so we're happy for him too.

I'm sorry I haven't been good at keeping current on my blogging. I've started whiny blogs that you should be glad I didn't post about how my children are lazy and uncooperative and how Henry is teething so we aren't getting enough sleep but I never finished them, so you have been spared. But it's been stressful lately. I know I've had enough when I start fantasizing about getting an apartment that I go to live at during the day because it's nice and clean and then I come back to live with these slovenly folk at night or when I want to. I'm not saying I don't make messes. What I'm say is that when five people are messing and only one is cleaning up after them while trying to drag everyone to heaven with her, well, it doesn't go well. Enough of that. But if you want a laugh, go visit my friend Tamra's blog. She has an awesome article titled, "Spaghetti squash can be hazerdous to women" that'll make you laugh til your ribs hurt.

I'm getting the kids signed up for summer activities. There's a lot to choose from around here. We're going to buy a swim club pass from some friends who are moving, so that will be fun. I'm also signing the kiddos up for soccer and Giants Baseball (since it's free!). I've got to keep them busy but I have turned down summer school because I want to have entire free days where I can go to the beach or just stay home once in a while and not do anything! Imagine that! I haven't been bored in 7 years. I mean that literally, people. Well, off to my mountain of tasks ...