Thursday, May 01, 2008

The big game

Of course there are a million things I should be doing right now besides blogging, but I have taken pity on you, dear loyal readers, and I am giving you an update. If you ever see lots of posts from me, I guess that means I am finally caught up with life, so don't hold your breath. We went to an A's game with some friends last week and it was a lot of fun. We wanted the kids to have a clue what game it was they were trying to play. Erik bought Oliver a flag and when he was waving it, we got put up on the jumbotron. We just bought the seats when we got there (for $10) each so we were in the outfield in the Plaza Reserved section with literally no one around us so it was ironic that that was the day we got up on the monitor, but it was fun. The A's won - yay! Personally, I'm hoping the move to Fremont goes through. Anyway, my favorite moment of the game was when Lael asked me, "Who do you think is going to get the game ball?" The Angels and Rockies coaches give out the game ball to whoever they feel did the best job each game and Lael and Oliver have both been coveting the game ball all season. They both finally were the ones to get their game balls this week. Yay! I was afraid Lael's coach would let her disdain for me get in the way of giving Lael the ball but Lael worked hard for it and got it Saturday. Oliver has had a hard time hitting the ball lately. The last couple games the only time he's made it on base is when he's taken one for the team and gotten hit with the ball by the kid pitcher. Kid pitch is rough at this age and I wish they wouldn't do it. Anyway, he got on first base this last game and got the game ball so we're happy for him too.

I'm sorry I haven't been good at keeping current on my blogging. I've started whiny blogs that you should be glad I didn't post about how my children are lazy and uncooperative and how Henry is teething so we aren't getting enough sleep but I never finished them, so you have been spared. But it's been stressful lately. I know I've had enough when I start fantasizing about getting an apartment that I go to live at during the day because it's nice and clean and then I come back to live with these slovenly folk at night or when I want to. I'm not saying I don't make messes. What I'm say is that when five people are messing and only one is cleaning up after them while trying to drag everyone to heaven with her, well, it doesn't go well. Enough of that. But if you want a laugh, go visit my friend Tamra's blog. She has an awesome article titled, "Spaghetti squash can be hazerdous to women" that'll make you laugh til your ribs hurt.

I'm getting the kids signed up for summer activities. There's a lot to choose from around here. We're going to buy a swim club pass from some friends who are moving, so that will be fun. I'm also signing the kiddos up for soccer and Giants Baseball (since it's free!). I've got to keep them busy but I have turned down summer school because I want to have entire free days where I can go to the beach or just stay home once in a while and not do anything! Imagine that! I haven't been bored in 7 years. I mean that literally, people. Well, off to my mountain of tasks ...


Tamra said...

I've told so many people about the yellow nail polish on your friends toes. I love the game ball story. Oh teething, I don't envy you, I get Sophee sleeping through the night and then she teeths and all the hard work is lost. Good luck, hope you survive.

Tamra said...

Oh and hey, thanks for the plug on my blog, burning your ta ta's should get you some notice.

ashley said...

That is too funny about the yellow toes. :) I can't believe how big Henry is! Mia isn't crawling yet so I don't have to worry about her getting into stuff but I know it is coming soon!