Friday, April 04, 2008

Adios Aloha and ATA

Well, my dreams of going to Hawaii on a lark with Erik next year have been dashed. With the demise of Aloha and ATA airlines this week, airfare to Hawaii is expected to rise. And I highly doubt we'll be able to do what a couple friends did a few weeks ago and fly roundtrip for 3 nights with hotel for $450. I used to watch the super low fares every spring and dream of hopping off the mainland for a few days. It's a 5 hour flight from here. I'm sure we'll still make it to Kauai sometime but probably not as soon or as inexpensively as I'd planned. Oh well. I am very glad right now that we did go over Thanksgiving for our 10-year anniversary, even if we did take the family. I was able to fly all of us including Sky, for just under $2,000. I guess that won't be happening again so I'm very glad we did it when we did.

Now onto my soapbox. I watched the TV news coverage of the event last night and I was reminded why I despise TV news. I wasted 3.5 minutes of my life on the segment where all they covered were the disappointed ATA would-be passengers that showed up for flights yesterday morning and found out they held tickets for nothing. They talked about which airlines would theoretically honor the tickets (Why should they? They still need to make money so they don't go out of business. And I say theoretically because of course there aren't any seats left). I feel bad for these stranded people, but the effects are much more far-reaching. They did say those who purchased tickets more than 60 days ago are SOL. Those who used their credit cards within the past 60 days can probably get a refund. But what about all the employees? I haven't heard anything about them. Will this have an effect on our local economy? What about general prices for Hawaiian fares? Today's newspaper picked up on this story and said they would be going up, but none of this was covered in last night's newscast. You get my point. When I worked for the newspaper, I had access to AP and other news wires and I would see the differences between the stories the newspapers chose to run and what was covered on the TV news. I found it disgusting that the TV news would only give good coverage to those items they could get interesting footage of. If there wasn't video or at least a picture attached, it got relegated to a brief clip. Newspapers do this a little, giving prominent play to items with photos attached, but not as badly. But what I dislike the most is that anytime I actually know something about a subject that is covered on a TV newscast, I find they are full of crap. Just like how in last night's broadcast they mentioned each of the airline's ticket honoring policies and had worked up a graphic for it when in reality, every airline that is running flights to Hawaii is now overbooked and the other airlines don't matter to the affected passengers, so the information was essentially irrelevant. And yet someone watches this stuff or they wouldn't keep spewing it out, but I can hardly stand to watch it anymore. Sometimes I feel like a traitor to my journalism degree that I rarely read newspapers either, but I get my news from online and I occasionally watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I'm sure I'll watch it more in the near future because their election coverage is highly entertaining. So that's it. There's my 10 cents. You can take it for what it's worth.


Erik Swanson said...

My wife demands I leave a comment... So here it is: It is sad that flying to Hawaii is limited to Hawaiian and the mostly bankrupt pre-deregulation airlines that are incapable of offering low airfares. With oil prices this high, I think it will be a long while until we see relatively cheap airfares again.

Sky said...

Didn't we just go to Hawaii emily?

Emily Duveen said...

Yes, but I was hoping to go back a couple times (or at least for me and Erik to go alone to Kauai) before the whole family goes for your wedding, Sky.

Sky said...

Well that might not happen if prices are so high, but I still got quite a few years to wait...

Anonymous said...
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Emily Duveen said...

Some idiot with the blog name of fenidel keeps posting a link that leads to you downloading a virus so if you see this - don't click on the link! I've deleted two postings so far.

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Tamra said...

Oh, your husband is amusing and depressing all at the same time. That is a talent not many men have. I am with you on broadcast news. They only scratch the surface on most issues, but if your gonna just scratch the surface shouldn't you cover the part of the story with the deepest impact on society as a whole. No they want the "human interst" point of view to be covered. Blah,Blah, Blah . . .I can't stand TV news. I love have internet on my cell phone for this very reason, at least I can find decent press there. Also I am worried about ticket prices to Ireland and prices in Ireland in general. Ouch, it is gonna hurt.

Tamra said...

Also, your brother Aaron lives in Vernal? How did they end up there. We have some friends with family in vernal and went to stay there a couple summers ago, these friends also keep finding all these business opportunities in Vernal, but it's vernal, I just can't bring myself to live there. How do they like it?

Anonymous said...
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Tamra said...

blog already-would ya. What is your excuse-busy life, busy mom??